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If you are looking for a post lockdown weekday or weekend trip out of Melbourne, Lake Eildon could be it. This 2 days trip to Magnificent Lake Eildon includes both hiking and kayaking meaning relaxing as well as an adrenaline activity.

It took us about 2 hours to drive from the center of Melbourne, passing Yarra Valley and Healsville to arrive in the town of Eildon. The feeling of getting out of the 5km lockdown was enhanced by seeing all the lush greens, cows, horses, and sheep along the way outside of the hustle and bustle of the city.

When we checked the weather it said rainy weekend but you never know when we will have a snap lockdown so thought might as well take our chances. And glad we did because it only rained for a few hours on the first day and in the afternoon and the next day it was fine and sunny.

So without further ado, let me share with you things to do in Lake Eildon. You can also use this post as a 2-day lake Eildon itinerary.

Things to do in Lake Eildon
Things to do in Lake Eildon

Day 1: Hiking at Lake Eildon

We parked at Devils Cove Camp Ground & started hiking up to the viewpoint of Lake Eildon. It was an easy walk (7.2 KM) but with a steep climb at one point. If it was sunny am sure the view would have been way better but on a rainy morning, we at least could see the view for a bit which quickly got covered with fog!

I also noticed there were few other trails in the area- there were signs on the path but it was raining so we went back to the campground. When the rain stopped, we walked a few minutes to the lake with gorgeous views and lots of kangaroos! We even saw a pelican enjoying her stroll on the water!

Before I forget, Devils Cove Campground has decent facilities with toilets, hot showers, and drinking water! You can even camp here overnight although I stayed at the motel in town.

After lunch, we went to Lions Park which is a standard park with one BBQ and toilets but our main reason was to access the lake. Here we walked the full circuit of the lake, saw the dam, met some fishermen, did some fishing, and enjoyed the beautiful sunsets scenery.

Note: Probably best idea to BYO lunch and snacks for day 1, warm water-resistant clothing/shoes, and sleeping bag(in case of the chill night). Of course fishing equipment if you are fishing,

Where to stay in Lake Eildon

I wasn’t expecting much from this place and was actually worried about how clean it would be especially during covid times. Happy to report the room and the bed+pillow were spotless at Eildon Parkview Motel. (watch my Lake eildon highlight in Instagram to watch it all)

They even had AC on before I went to the room! It was just a nice warm feeling when I walked into the room as I was freezing with cold windy winter.

The room came with an ensuite (bathroom/toilet) and a fully functioning kitchen but decided to have dinner at a nearby Rubicon Hotel. The lasagne was to die for and the price was reasonable also.

Day 2: Kayaking at Lake Eildon

They also offer breakfast at the Eildon Parkview motel or you can walk few minutes out to the bakery for a barista coffee and brekky.

Back at the motel, when I was preparing to check out I saw a flock of cockatoos flying in the backyard! They must be regular here because the motel had placed a bird food container near the TV. So I grabbed that & went outside to feed them! I must say it was one of the fun moments of Lake Eildon. The only other place I was able to feed them freely was on the east coast of Australia.

After the awesome morning, we went to Foggs Lookout. And it was completely living up to its name. Meaning there was fog everywhere and no view at all.

After some time though, it moved a bit and Lake Eildon view appeared. I think it is a great place to visit and heaven for photographers eyeing a dramatic view of the Lake if it was a clear day.

The water level goes up and down over the years. The weir itself is amazingly pretty even if there is not much there. After the Fogg lookout, drove up to the second lookout near the dam which was equally good. Apologies I don’t have the exact name but there is only one road top of the lake and the lookout is near the dam.

After these, we went down to Lake Eildon for our Kayak session. You could kayak all the way to the small island in the middle or just paddle nearby, and even if you just sit near the shore, you will find the beauty of the lake quite serene.

The water was still unless occasionally boats making waves otherwise pretty cool experience being on the kayak and close to nature. That being said, it was quite foggy and you couldn’t see the whole of hills around but it added to that unique kayaking in winter feeling!

We had brought our own food and drinks to spend the day so recommend that also. Plus the music and chairs!

There weren’t many people that weekend but I can imagine the place getting packed during peak seasons such as summer or school holidays.

Overall, Lake Eildon is a great spot for a day trip as well as a weekend trip. If you are looking for a hiking or camping, or kayaking experience, and a great place to get lost and wander in nature, you have found it.

Happy travels!

things to do in lake eildon

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Things to do in Lake Eildon, Victoria

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10 thoughts on “Things to do in Lake Eildon, Victoria

  • August 2, 2021 at 10:42 pm

    That is absolutely beautiful! I love the way the forest reflects on the water like that. Just gorgeous.

  • August 3, 2021 at 12:30 am

    This looks like a very peaceful place. I am not much for hiking but I do like sitting and looking at the water. One day I will get to Australia

  • August 3, 2021 at 12:33 am

    This is my first time learning about lake eildon. Glad I came over your post. This is really an amazing place to visit!

  • August 3, 2021 at 12:33 am

    I’d never heard of this place in VIC! As I like to go on a water adventure in a lake, may consider it next time I am there. It’s really relaxing especially if the views are spectacular.

  • August 3, 2021 at 11:36 am

    What a beautiful place to explore. I love all of the scenery and it looks like a lovely place to go on an adventure.

  • August 3, 2021 at 12:04 pm

    So gorgeous. I love the photos. I can’t wait to visit one day!

  • August 4, 2021 at 9:40 am

    looks like a lot of fun there! I missed traveling..

  • August 5, 2021 at 3:47 pm

    Like your pictures and I went canoeing regularly when I was studying, so would love to go there and try that again. 🙂

  • August 6, 2021 at 7:26 pm

    I hope I can visit this place soon. It looks so serene. Maybe after the pandemic? 🙂

  • August 7, 2021 at 7:24 am

    I have never heard of this place, but it is definitely on my list of places to visit. Your pictures are beautiful, and you can feel the serenity flow right through them.


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