Sharing is caring!

Let me start by saying you are an awesome person for supporting a blog writer who spends hours & hours in front of a laptop writing her travel tips with the world. I hope it brought you some value in your search and thank you for being here.

Long story short, the best way to support my blog is to use it. I mean read it and share it with your circle.

Another way to help is – if you need to book any hotels, day trips or activities click on my and get your guide links to book them. I get tiny commissions without any extra cost to you.

Alternatively, you are also welcome to send cafe gift cards which will be used while I sit here writing for hours

Send giftcards via email – annasherchand(dot)gmail(dot)com

One of my life goals is to travel to all the countries in the world but I am not in a rush, so it’s more like a life goal. I am an introverted extrovert so I probably won’t be selling group tours just yet but I will be sharing my next moves which I usually don’t. Plus if you need help starting a blog, or a solo trip, this would be the right place to ask on our 1:1. So come to join, and be part of it.

Buy me a coffee & get help w your blog, solo trip & more

If you would like to receive my monthly emails, click the below link and which will take you to the home page; at the bottom right is the subscribe button

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Buying something on Amazon? Click the button below to use my affiliate link and I’ll receive a tiny commission without any extra cost to you.

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A lot of time and energy goes into writing here and creating content for social channels. Although started as a hobby, now is a full-time job and when you like, comment, follow and share it helps the content to go up on the ever-changing algorithm. Also, a good place to watch live updates.

Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest

I don’t expect anyone to support me financially, but if you are feeling generous good karma always comes back tenfold.

Warm Regards from somewhere in the world,


Sharing is caring!

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