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By reading or using this website, you indicate your acceptance and agreement with the following terms and conditions.


I provide the information on this website as a public service for informational purposes only. All information provided through this website or through my Newsletter is deemed accurate at the time of writing, but not guaranteed. Visa conditions, restaurant menus, prices, hotel opening hours, and contact details, for example, can change over time – always check in advance to avoid disappointment. Your use of this website does not constitute or establish a contractual relationship with me. However, you may subscribe to certain services through this website, in which case you agree to the Terms and Conditions below.


This site and all the information it contains unless otherwise stated I am the legal copyright holder for all text, photos, videos, guides, and logos. All rights reserved. This means you cannot copy, distribute, modify, reproduce, disseminate, or borrow any content from this blog without my consent. It is protected by copyright law, trademark law, and intellectual property laws. If you would like to use my content in any way, please contact me to obtain my permission in advance.

Third-Party Information Disclaimer

Certain links on this site lead to websites controlled by other parties over whom I have no control. Therefore, I make no representation or warranty concerning the content or accuracy of third-party information and expressly disclaims any liability therefore.

Disclosure Policy is an independent travel and lifestyle blog. All opinions are my own. On occasion, when I receive complimentary meals, hotel stays, tours, and flights; I may choose to review. This will be disclosed either within or at the end of such reviews. Otherwise, please assume I wrote the review as a paying guest. Either way, all my reviews are honest and unbiased, and I retain full editorial control.  

All comments are published except for those containing spam, profanity, offensive or threatening language, or prejudice against any individual or group. 

I may have a financial relationship with some of the merchants I mention. You should assume that every single link on this site is an affiliate link and that if you click on it and buy something, I’ll possibly make a small commission but, at no extra cost to you. I only endorse products, services, and merchants that I consider the highest quality standard.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Your privacy is important to me. Any information collected on this site is kept confidential and will not be sold or shared with third parties. I collect no personally identifying information (such as name and email address) through this website except when you specifically and knowingly provide the information (for example, when you sign up for my newsletter, ask to be contacted, purchase my services or products or subscribe to my newsletter). Any information you provide is used solely for the stated purpose unless you agree in advance to additional use (for example, you may be asked if you would like to be added to an email list). You may request at any time to be removed from said list. I also do not store any information about your visit to this blog other than to assist in site management and development for analytical and statistical purposes through the use of cookies. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated in Jan 2017.

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