Sharing is caring!


WoW! Where did the time go! It feels like it was only December 2019 when I was traveling in Singapore and heading to my last southeast Asian country Timor Leste in Jan!

Feb was all about paperwork to invite my mom and in March she arrived and 2 weeks later Corona invited itself! Then we were all in lockdown in Sydney. What a time!

Slowly things started to open back up in June and we managed to explore parts of NSW I never would have otherwise. such as these secret walks in Sydney, Orange, Young, Canola fields in NSW, Brooklyn, Eden, and more.

4 months later we moved to Melbourne which brought its own set of new challenges. We were mostly restricted to my house and I had never lived with another human being for almost 365 days under the same roof since decades ago! On top of it dealing with the corona challenges, travel withdrawals, and life struggles, let’s just say I am grateful we are still alive and kicking it!

This brings us to the last day of this crazy year 2020. Looking back December was a mix of regional travels and loads of writing. I was fortunate to get the opportunity to work with Yarra Valley Tourism and a few other brands that I am excited to share with you in the new year.

Yarra Valley and the Dandenong ranges

Things To Do In Wilson Prom, Victoria

10 Best Spots For Free Camping on Great Ocean Road

If I have to summarize 2020, I would say it was all about dealing with stress, daily gratitude, deploying empathy, and having the humility to able to pivot life, and relearning about myself and the world all at the same time. And the big ones – giving back to your parents is a privilege not many have. Cherish it. Lastly, giving without expecting gives a sense of fulfilment nothing can. Do it more often.

Let’s end the year on a high note. Remember to be kind, look after each other, be present, and tell people you care about you love them because tomorrow is not promised, even the next minute is not promised. All we have is now. This very moment.

If you’re one of my loyal readers, Thank you and I love you for your support, and if you are a new reader, welcome!


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The Monthly #3: Time to wrap up 2020: The Crazy Year!

Sharing is caring!

2 thoughts on “The Monthly #3: Time to wrap up 2020: The Crazy Year!

  • January 1, 2021 at 2:54 pm

    Happy New Year Anna!

    • January 30, 2021 at 1:47 pm

      Thanks Eialia and wish you the same! Hope it’s been a great start to the new year!


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