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Today I am sharing Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days. If you are wondering how to pull your Singapore trip, where to go, what to do, I got you covered.

Singapore is a modern city with the headquarters of many Multinational Companies, rich culture, long-standing history, delicious food, and picture-perfect setting of the background contrast between the old temples and the new modern buildings. One of the Asian country with architecture and skyscrapers that are better designed and impressive.

I solo traveled to Singapore and here is my experience and recommendation.

Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days

Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days

Most of the population is bilingual, speaking English as well as Mandarin, Malay, or Tamil. The Singaporean dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore. At the moment, one US dollar is worth $1.33 in Singapore dollars.

Bear in mind that Singapore is one of the richest countries on the planet when planning your journey. Though Malaysia and Indonesia offer some bargains, Singapore is pricey, so plan to pay as much as you will in a major American or European region. While credit cards are generally accepted, you should keep some cash on you for food stands, coffee shops, and other small transactions.

22 Most Instagram worthy places in Singapore

Singapore’s climate is consistent over the year. Temperatures usually range from 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) to 89 degrees Fahrenheit on any given day (32 degrees Celsius).

The humidity is heavy, with an average of 167 days of rain per year in the region, so an umbrella may be handy.


View from my hotel room

I stayed at the Furama City Centre and Furama Riverfront. You can read the Furama Hotel review here.


Out of 4 days Singapore tours, Day 1 and 2 I used the 48 hours hop on and hop off bus pass from Isango Travels. It helped me cover most of Singapore’s must-see in a timely fashion. Under Singapore hop on and hop off, they have 6 bus lines that you can choose from Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown and Safari lines. Each line goes to different areas in Singapore, stopping in various locations. So, you have the choice to hop off at any stops and hop back on the bus at the exact same spot they dropped you off. It made my trip efficient, and fun.

Note: I walked to my last stop and hotel on Day 1 as it was within walking distance. On day 2, for the light show on the gardens by the bay and magic of Spectra, I used Singapore MRT as the hop on and hop off bus time didn’t match.

Cats and Dogs cafe in Singapore 2021

I have detailed travel resources right here. Save money, learn what and how.


Places to travel after quarantine

On Day 3, I used Grab and walk around on foot to explore more before heading back to the hotel.

Below is the detailed travel guide to all of the places I went on my Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days.

Day 1

Sentosa Island


I was feeling a little bit jet-lagged so I had a late breakfast around 10:30 am-ish and then decided to go see my first sight in Singapore. With head still not feeling 100% I felt like taking a ferry with the breeze and go a little far from the hustle and bustle of the city. So it was time to visit Sentosa Island. All I had to do was, get to Suntec City which is the main hub for all the hop on hop off bus lines (I took the MRT as I didn’t know at the time but there is a 1 free pickup to here from the hotels). Sentosa Island is a manmade small island to the South of Singapore.

There are loads of things to do here and you could spend the whole day doing different activities. It is created as a huge amusement park that includes all entertainment options imaginable, from beaches to parks to hotels, resorts and various amusements.

I spent a few hours here, although I did not go inside the Universal Studios or the rides, I enjoyed walking around and exploring that lead me to the Trick Eye Museum. It looked interesting with the AR intelligence, so I went in. It was okay and not something I would do it again. Having said that, it wasn’t only for kids as inside the museum, there were people of all ages enjoying it.

As a solo traveler myself, I travel with my tripod for photographs. But in the trick eye museum, it would have been easier to travel with somebody to take all the AR videos and photos. I was lucky though as one of the museum staff showed me around and helped me with the photos. I was done in 60 minutes here and I still had half a day left so, I hopped back on the bus to explore more of Singapore.

Flower Dome


My Isango bus travel pass included the entrance ticket to Flower Dome and Cloud Forest too. So, I decided to check them out after Sentosa Island. The bus stop is 2 mins away from the dome. I walked past the Mcdonalds and some cafes. It was a hot day and I was delighted to be inside the air condition flower dome! Also pleasant to see they had the sunflower theme going on. It was a beautiful sight to see but was a little disappointed to see nothing inside the castle! Anyway, it was a lovely feeling to be surrounded by so many flowers!

Flower dome boasts different types of gardens from different continents and glad they had nameplates for all the plants! The best thing about it? It was the cooler temperature inside than the humid and hot temperature outside. Great place to escape Singapore heat! Bear in mind, the flowers will change every season.

Cloud Forest

Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days
Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days

Next to the flower dome is Cloud Forest. I had heard a lot about it and was delighted to see it first hand! The first amazing moment happened as I entered through the entrance to be greeted by the biggest artificial indoor waterfall in the world! After taking pictures of that I moved on to the “canopy” walk. Not only can I see various flora and fauna, but it also provides a beautiful view of the Singapore landscape from afar. I kept going up and at the top is a gorgeous little garden! I wasn’t expecting that and found it to be cool!

Another a must-see here is the educational section near the bottom. I found the big screen awareness video presentation on global warming was one of the best explanations I have come across. It is an eye-opener and very educational about Global warming and Earth issues. I got to understand how human activity impacts the environment and what we can do to save the environment. The cloud forest was both magical and informative. This one I highly recommend to visit.

After this, I went back to my hotel to cool off, and shower as I wanted to come back into town for the magical light show.

Sky Walk and Light Show at the Gardens by the Bay

Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days

I paid $8 for the Skywalk at the Gardens by the Bay and it was worth it. But then I have always loved views from the high above the ground. It was a special feeling to be surrounded by super grove trees and was expecting to watch some of the light show from here but the staffs were shouting to keep moving, and that no one is allowed to just hang in there creating traffic which is understandable.

So, guys, you have to time it right to be able to see the light show from the skywalk but I did catch the above sunsets in time and I’m happy with that. Also, I later found out the best place to watch the light show is from the ground because there are some lights that go through under the skywalk too. It was magical to see all those huge trees light up and with the music they have on, it felt like they were dancing! It was super cool to witness this and amazing to think about the great minds behind this. The light show is free to public and it runs at 7:45 pm every night.

Day 2

The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple

Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days

I was excited to start my second day in Singapore with nearby sights. From my hotel, the Buddha Tooth Relic and China Town were in the walking distance. So, I went there first. It is a pretty four-story temple and the most interesting part was the solid gold two-meter stupa on the fourth floor which is the place where the sacred relic is kept.

There is also a rooftop (you know I love the views from the top) but it wasn’t an open rooftop so no views but there was a pagoda that had a large prayer wheel and a little garden. The third floor has a museum and a tea house on the second floor. The temple offers a free English-language tour every Tuesday and Thursday if you are interested, call them to book in advance. O and avoid off-the-shoulder T-shirts, shorts, and mini-skirts. I had to wear one of their long wrap skirts as I was wearing shorts.

China town and Hawker Stalls


The next block to the temple, was the famous Chinatown food streets, museums, shopping, and markets. It reminded me of Chinatown in Sydney! Colorful with paper lanterns and crowds.

Chinatown is a great place to visit to learn about Chinese history in Singapore. There is a lot of great local restaurant and the food at the hawker stands are a must for foodies. Don’t miss Hawker Chan, the cheapest Michelin Star restaurant and Satays at the Lau Pa Sat. If you are into buying souvenirs, Chinatown is a must-visit but make sure to bargain for the price. After this, I headed to the bus stop to explore Little India.

Little India


As soon as I got off the bus, it felt like Little India had way more people than Chinatown or maybe it was just that time of the day! There are some temples and Mosques you can visit here which I didn’t but I really enjoyed walking and exploring through the Indian Market there.

They were preparing for the Indian Dewali festival and markets were full of colorful things from flowers, clothes to jewelry and household things. The whole vibe in this small place was like being in India for a little while. If you fancy eating Indian food in Singapore, this is a place to try it out.

Haji Lane and exploring


The first day I didn’t have to wait very long for the bus at the stops but in Little India, I was waiting for 30 minutes. However, I liked that the hop on hop off buses came with the earphones that you can plugin and it tells you interesting facts and information about the places you pass. Above are some pictures from the brown line. I was considering getting off the Haji lane but was enjoying the bus ride too much, I decided not to.

Day 3

Fort Canning Park

I went back to the main bus hub at Suntec Plaza and changed to the yellow line to go to Fort Canning Park. It is a park with a history. It sits at the hilltop, so wearing flats or sports shoes is a good idea. Still carrying my tripod and going uphill I was getting sweaty but was so glad to be surrounded with trees and the cool breeze. During the colonial days, this park was made Headquarters of the Far East Command Centre and British Army Barracks. The decision to surrender to the Japanese in 1942 was also made on the hill.

Having said that, the park is now modernized with pathways for joggers, runners, cyclists, and recreational purposes. Even though it is right in the center of the city, it feels like miles away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It was somewhat strange to get off the bus 1 minute and next to be walking around with all the greenery and seeing the backdrop of skyscrapers on one side, the riverside/quays on another, and yet a serene view of a church just down the hill.

It seems to be a favorite spot for couples too as I saw some of them strolling along with hand in hand. I did a walking loop and towards the end of the park, I saw the ROM (Registry of Marriages) and a couple taking their first married photo. So cute! There’s also a guided tour to the old battleground, walking through the bunkers used during the defense of Singapore. If you want to go to 1 park in Singapore, this should be it.

Clarke Quay

After ending my walking loop, I was at the beginning of Clarke Quay. It is a riverside shopping area full of restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, live bands, and bars.

It took a few minutes to adjust myself from the quietness of fort canning park to the hustle and bustle of the Quay. So, I chose to do another walk by the riverside and I could see the place was just starting to come out alive. If you go during the night, you can witness all the Quay buzz. The buildings at the Quay were colorful and riverboat dining was also an option here.

Art Science Museum


I enjoyed going to the museum even back in Sydney and visiting the Art Science museum in Singapore was a delight too. They had multiple exhibitions but all three were in their own way really worthwhile visiting. I liked the permanent exhibits, Future World. Lots of beautiful digital displays like the flowers and waterfall and the led room looked super cool as well. 

A combination of art and science appeared even outside the museum, i. e Helix Bridge (which inspired from double helix of DNA) or big concave-convex mirror at the front of the museum. It is an Impressive museum sitting at a convenient location. Also, the flower-like building on its own is a marvel inside and out.

Magic of Spectra

Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days

I was planning to make it to the magic of Spectra at 8 pm but I enjoyed the light show at the Gardens by the Bay so much, I watched it till the very end. As soon as it ended, it started raining! So, I got stuck in the gardens for a bit. I eventually made it to the Events Plaza at 8:30 pm because I also got lost in the dark for a bit! Later I found out there is a bridge you can cross to get to Events Plaza where the magic of Spectra runs. I had half an hour to wait for it to start.

So, I decided to check out a restaurant called Bazin at the promenade. It so happens the assistant Manager turned out to be Nepali! It is nice to meet people from the same background, it makes me happy we are somehow connected. Bazin had great customer service and the food was tasty too. I ordered wagyu beef sliders and a mint cocktail. I could watch the magic of Spectra from my table but I wanted a closer look. So, I went where the action was.

The magic of Spectra is also a free-to-public outdoor light and water show displayed over the water at the Event Plaza along the promenade. It wasn’t expecting much from it but was very impressed with the quality of music, powerful lasers lights and visual projectors. It was telling a story in a different way I never thought possible! I highly recommend this show as well. You can see it every night ie Sun – Thursday 8 and 9 pm and Fri and Sat 8,9 and 10 pm.

Day 4

Central Perk Cafe

On my last day in Singapore, I stayed in bed till late and ordered room service. The last 3 days had been hectic so, I wanted to take it a little easy today. By the time I finished breakfast and enjoyed some pool time it was 11 am. It was time to check out but I still had time to squeeze in 1 more place before my flight!


If you know me, I like visiting instagrammable places in Sydney and if possible every country I travel to. This one in Singapore is called Central Perk Cafe, designed with the TV series “Friends” in mind. I loved watching that show so, was thrilled to visit!

As soon as I walked in, I was greeted with smiley staff. It felt like I was walking right into the actual set where they filmed it! Luckily the iconic yellow/orangeish couch was empty so, it was all mine! I ordered Phoebe Buffay lightly roasted Hot Latte, and Joey’s chicken wings. It is little on the pricey side but is reasonable because it is the only Warner brother licensed cafe outside of the US. The wings were okay but the sauce that came with it was super good and the coffee was good too.

There you have it my Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days. Hope it helps you plan your trip.

Please share it with your circle <3

What I used to take these photos:

Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II Digital Camera

This has been my favorite Camera so far. I love how my pictures come out crisp and colorful. It also has a screen which is useful when blogging. You can check out what I meant on my Instagram which is here.

Accessories For Canon GX7 Mark ||  Check it out here

GoPro HERO4 Silver

This is the good old Go pro that I take with me everywhere. I recommend it because it is small, lightweight and waterproof. I have had made many memories with this trusted item and looking forward to more.

Accessories For Go Pro Hero 4   Check it out here

SanDisk 64 GB Memory Cards

I have been using SanDisk since my first camera which was back in 2009. They build quality memory cards. I recommend getting at least two, just in case something happens to one of them.

All-in-One Memory Card Reader

Do you think it’s a hassle of plugging your camera into your computer? This memory card reader will fit cards of all sizes and make an easy transfer to your computer. The reader supports all popular SD memory card formats, including SD™/SDHC™/SDXC™ memory cards, UHS-I SDHC/SDXC memory cards, and microSDHC™/microSDXC™ memory cards. It is also compatible with the latest UDMA 7-enabled CompactFlash cards

Let me know in comments- 

Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days 2021

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33 thoughts on “Singapore itinerary for 3 nights 4 days 2021

  • October 22, 2018 at 1:56 am

    Seem like these activities are a lot of fun, mind you I wouldn’t have thought of this place but would definitely look into it.

  • October 22, 2018 at 3:49 am

    Sounds like super fun 3 days! You managed to squeeze so much! Absolutely lovely! It makes me want to travel bandly

  • October 22, 2018 at 6:17 am

    Wow this looks like an amazing trip!! I want to visit now. Your style is on point too!

  • October 22, 2018 at 7:28 am

    I love your photos of Sentosa Island. I’ve been to Singapore 2 times for a layover flight. I’ll try to make it to Sentosa the next time!

  • October 22, 2018 at 5:48 pm

    After reading this I’m definitely going to have to put Singapore as a place to visit now. That coffee shop is adorable and represents friends perfectly!!

  • October 22, 2018 at 8:21 pm

    Wow, such a detailed post that would be so helpful to plan a great trip to Toronto. Loving the pictures so much.

  • October 22, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    Wow, such a detailed post that would be so helpful to plan a great trip to Singapore. Loving the pictures so much.

  • October 22, 2018 at 8:46 pm

    I have been there. It is indeed a lovely place to explore so I agree with all your points and places.

  • October 23, 2018 at 12:08 am

    This is very pretty. I love the flower dome

  • October 23, 2018 at 3:56 am

    This looks like such an amazing place, I would love to visit!

  • October 23, 2018 at 4:28 am

    You are very brave taking on a solo trip. This looks like a spectacular trip. Your pictures are wonderful and your review is informative and captivating.

  • October 23, 2018 at 5:00 am

    What a thorough post! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!

  • October 23, 2018 at 6:21 am

    Wow so much to see in only three days, you did an excellent job, the cloud forest and the garden look so beautiful, every time I learn something new about Singapore, but I don’t think I could only stay for three days, at least a week if not more, because some of those places should be enjoyed a few times, the pictures are beautiful, the food that I saw looks delicious.

  • October 23, 2018 at 6:53 am

    you really thought of everything! great, detailed travel guide, thank you!

  • October 23, 2018 at 7:37 am

    WOW! Very inspiring. I’ve been reading more and more about Singapore lately that it has now made the list. Your itinerary is perfect for a 3 days vacay – espcially as I see friends in Hong Kong a lot, so a shorter flight for a weekend trip must be in order soon.

  • October 23, 2018 at 8:23 am

    All of these places honestly sound amazing and so fascinating !! Cloud Forest caught my eye in particular :3 you are very lucky being able to visit all of these places x

  • October 23, 2018 at 8:57 am

    I love that you made a schedule! It sounds like an amazing place to visit!

  • October 23, 2018 at 9:01 am

    Oh love all your photos here, reminded me of my trips to Singapore when I used to travel there. Your suggestions are great too, saving this for when we visit Asia next year with a stopover in Singapore

  • October 23, 2018 at 1:14 pm

    This is a great travel guide! I love all of the photos as well.
    Nicole Vick

  • October 23, 2018 at 6:10 pm

    Definitely saving this for if I ever go to Singapore!

  • October 24, 2018 at 12:36 am

    Ohh I miss Singapore already! Thanks for sharing this. This can help a lot of travelers

  • October 24, 2018 at 4:14 am

    I never knew that Singapore looked so fantastic. The closest I’ve been was Malaysia. I like that it looks so high tech but also so traditional in the same time.

  • October 24, 2018 at 5:18 am

    Wow Singapore looks amazing, I would definitely love to visit properly some time. I’ve been there for about 30 minutes for a stop over so I don’t thing that really counts.

  • October 24, 2018 at 6:09 am

    Love the photographs! Would love to visit the flower dome.

  • October 24, 2018 at 11:08 am

    You had me at delicious food! I love a place with great food. I mean, isn’t that why we travel? 🙂

  • October 24, 2018 at 11:10 am

    Such lovely travel photos. I’ve always wanted to see Singapore in person. Friends have recommended some of these attractions as well.

  • October 24, 2018 at 12:09 pm

    This is a very important itinerary. Even though Singapore is not very big, but still it has so many sights to see and things to do there. This post enlists the must-see places in 3 days. I am definitely bookmarking this.

  • October 24, 2018 at 1:02 pm

    This is such a thorough, informative post. I’d love to visit Singapore one day!

  • October 25, 2018 at 2:17 am

    Garden by the bay is one of the favourite spots in Singapore when I visited there a few years back. Missing there already!

  • October 25, 2018 at 8:09 am

    So many cool ideas here and some great pics to go alongside them! I would love the places that aren’t so busy and where I could see some of that stunning architecture!

  • October 25, 2018 at 5:13 pm

    Singapore is always fascinating for the travellors and it’s picturesque beauty never fails to attract a person to visit the place again. Loved all the pictures that you have shared over here..?

  • November 23, 2018 at 7:06 am

    Wow, all of these photos are insanely beautiful!

  • November 28, 2018 at 1:55 am

    Looks like such beautiful place! I must visit there!


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