Let me start by saying how much I appreciate your support. As a travel writer, I spend countless hours in front of a screen sharing travel tips and stories with the world. The emails and messages I receive from readers truly fuel my passion and constantly remind me why I started travel blogging in the first place. So please, keep them coming—I appreciate every single one!

Many of you have asked how you can support my work, so here are a few ways:

  1. The best way to help is by using the blog—read the travel tips, explore the content, and share it with others.

  2. Booking hostels, hotels, day trips or activities? Book through my booking.com, get your guide, or shop on amazon link. I get tiny commissions without any extra cost to you.

  3. Buy me a coffee and subscribe to the blog at the bottom right.

  4. Follow along on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and/or Pinterest when you like/comment/save or follow and share, it helps the content to go up on the ever-changing algorithm.

Happy Travels!

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